Using the names my wolves go by most:
1. Blade
2. Decerno
3. Red
4. Yana
5. Balthier
6. Vaarak
7. Fran
8. Doctor
9. Stark
10. Penilla
11. Corentine
12. Ixtab
13. Ryuuketsu
Hmm... all my characters are inactive/alive... should consider killing at least one off sometime... Maybe keep Pen permanently inactive unless a good plot comes up for her to participate in, and kill off Fran and/or Red at an appropriate time... Red's older, anyways. I think around Jack's (Black Pearl) age. He's had a good life. XD
I've had 5 others not in FNI, but that site had long since been inactive. Maybe I should bring some here, as two of them are siblings to my wolves on this site. Some name changing might be in order, though, since they're been taken here.